Monday, September 22, 2014

Big 4 blog

Human Impact:

For those who live near oceans and rely on the ocean to supply their food are being over-run by the commercial fishers that are depleting the ocean of fish hundreds at a time. since a lot of the population live near oceans the over fishing effects most of the world population

Environmental Impact: 

Over-fishing causes harm to marine life and could lead to permanent damage. Because a vast majority of our waste and industrial run-off goes into the oceans it causes marine pollution - threatening life in the sea at all levels.

Economic Impact:

The pollution of the oceans also leads to a impact in the economy: such as tourism the pollution makes the water dirty and filled with chemicals making the area much less pleasurable to be - just like the BP oil spill a few years ago. Along with all the other chemical run off and other oil spill time and money have to be put into a way to contain and stop these so it does not spread further.

Governmental Legislation:

New Zealand limited the amount of fishing that could be done to attempt to counteract the affects of over fishing. another way to counteract the over fishing is what New Zealand has also done and made Marine Protected Areas.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Unit 2 questions

What is the difference between weather and climate?
Weather is the short term, like right now, and climate is the long term like the weather over the year.

What effect does Earth’s rotation have on atmospheric circulation and ocean currents?
It creates both atmospheric circulation and ocean currents

In what ways are atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns similar? How are they different?

Atmospheric circulation influences the patterns of ocean currents but one is water and one is air.